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CES snaps three-game losing streak, beats 335th/336th FS, 21-12

SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, N.C. - -- After several grueling losses, the 4th Civil Engineer Squadron pulled off a major upset over the 335th/336th Fighter Squadron in a flag football matchup at Gym Field Monday.

"You can't get them all," said CES coach Jimarse Brown. "We learn from every series and fix what's wrong. This time we were able to come out of it with a victory."

The 335th/336th offense took the first possession of the game, but turned the ball over on downs, giving CES possession of the ball just past their own 20 yard line.
Dantrell Walker, CES quarterback, capitalized early as he led the offense down into the red zone. Two plays later, he took the ball into the end zone on a 15-yard scramble.

The extra point attempt was no good, making the score, 6-0.

Steve Bofferding, 335th/336th quarterback, didn't fare as well as his counterpart. After making a first down, he fumbled the snap from center. Two plays later, he threw an interception to Brown.

Walker drove his offense into the red zone again, but the 335th/336th did not break, forcing CES to turn the ball over on downs.

Bofferding had the ball again, but two plays later, fumbled another snap into the end zone, resulting in a safety which gave CES an 8-0 lead.

After the safety, the 335th/336th were forced to kick off from the 10 yard line.
Walker took over the offense with great field position once again, but he gave the ball right back to the opposition after throwing an interception.

One play later, Bofferding threw an interception, giving CES one more opportunity with less than a minute in the first half. CES failed to capitalize, leaving the score 8-0 at halftime.

Walker and the CES offense took the opening possession of the second half, but the 335th/336th defense forced them into a three-and-out drive.

The 335th/336th made a small tweak to their lineup, inserting wide receiver Dan Hoffman in at quarterback and moving Bofferding to receiver. The move paid off after Hoffman went 4 for 5 passing and threw a touchdown on his first series.
The extra point was no good, and CES held onto the lead, 8-6.

The following series for each team resulted in touchdowns, but neither team converted on their extra points, making the score 14-12 in CES's favor.

In the closing minutes, CES needed just to hold onto the ball. Instead, they chose to put the game away on a 45-yard touchdown pass to halfback Danny Roberts.

"I wouldn't say that they put the game on my shoulders," Roberts said. "The offense just gave me a chance and I did what I could for them."

The extra point pass was good, giving CES a 21-12 lead.

Hoffman led the team back onto the field in hopes of making a comeback, but his pass on first down was picked off by CES defensive back Darcelious Simmons.

Despite the loss, Hoffman and the 335th/336th fought to the very end.

"Hoffman is a great athlete," said Hans Buckwalter, 335th/336th coach. "He's been playing wide receiver for us all year, and we were able to utilize his speed at quarterback tonight. It was a disappointing loss. We're having a great season and we still want to try to make the playoffs."
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