EAGLES Exceptional Airmen Gaining Leadership Experience and Skills EAGLES Purpose: The mission of EAGLES is to maintain the well-being and morale among the first four enlisted ranks by being a channel to wing leadership for Airmen's questions and concerns to be heard and answered. EAGLES Airmen pave the way for future and current Airmen at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base by keeping lines of communication open between airman and higher leadership. The Airmen of EAGLES support both military and non-military functions, which promote base unity, enhance unit spirit, foster good military and civilian relations, and actively see means to improve the base's environment, working conditions and other areas deemed appropriate. EAGLES Meetings: EAGLES meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at 3:30 p.m. at the Airmen's Center. All Airmen are encouraged to attend. Executive council members meet at 3 p.m. For more details, contact any of the group's officers, your first sergeant or any EAGLES member. Bring a friend! Bring a Wingman!