TOP 3 Seymour Johnson Top 3 The primary purpose of this organization is to dedicate continuous efforts to advance the strength and establish a cohesive group of senior non-commissioned officers to address enlisted concerns, promote goodwill, camaraderie and closer working relationships. Each member is encouraged to actively participate and support the efforts to set an example of accepted leadership practices, disseminate information on base activities, policies or functions; and promote the common goals to better the morale and welfare of the enlisted force assigned to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The association aims to care for our own Airmen and non-commissioned officers by taking ownership of and sponsoring activities designed to continuously develop and foster the advancement of enlisted people by responding to their concerns, aiding in personal and professional development and to inspire esprit de corps. This is done through the collective knowledge, experiences, and leadership abilities of the Top 3 members. Every Air Force base world wide has an enlisted Top 3 organization. We exchange ideas and stay abreast of changing attitudes and advances in the enlisted corps. Top 3 Meetings The Top 3 meets on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings are held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the enlisted club. All senior non-commissioned officers and master sergeant selects are encouraged to attend.