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OCSC Airman Cookie Drive spreads holiday cheer to dorm Airman

The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

Cookies for the annual Officer and Civilian Spouse Club Airman Cookie Drive are set out to be packaged by volunteers at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina. The Officer and Civilian Spouses Club collected more than 650 dozen donated cookies, that were delivered to base dorm Airmen. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jordan Colvin)

The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

Members of Team Seymour and volunteers package donated cookies during the annual Officer and Civilian Spouse Club Airman Cookie Drive at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, Dec. 6, 2020. Over 10,000 cookies were donated, packed and delivered to dorm Airmen. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jordan Colvin)

The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

A volunteer helps package cookies during the annual Officer and Civilian Spouse Club Airman Cookie Drive at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, Dec. 6, 2020. A group of 25 volunteers packed more than 650 dozen donated cookies. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jordan Colvin)

The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

Members of Team Seymour package donated cookies during the annual Officer and Civilian Spouses Club Airman Cookie Drive at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, Dec. 6, 2020. Handmade holiday cards were attached to the packaged cookies and delivered to dorm Airmen. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jordan Colvin)

The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

Members of Team Seymour package donated cookies during the annual Officer and Civilian Spouse Club Airman Cookie Drive at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, Dec. 6, 2020. The packages were filled with cookies and decorated with handmade holiday cards. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jordan Colvin)

The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

Members of Team Seymour and volunteers work together to package donated cookies during the annual Officer and Civilian Spouses Club Airman Cookie Drive at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, Dec. 6, 2020. Students from around the community made Christmas cards for the dorm Airmen. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jordan Colvin)

The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

Master Sgt. Amber Pfarr (left), 335th Training Squadron first sergeant, and Master Sgt. Angela Weaver (right), 4th Operation Support Squadron first sergeant, deliver cookies to dorm Airmen at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, Dec. 7, 2020. The annual Officer and Civilian Spouses Club Airman Cookie Drive event aims to spread holiday cheer to all dorm Airmen. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jordan Colvin)


The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Officer and Civilian Spouses Club conducted an annual Airmen Cookie Drive to benefit Airmen residing in the dorms.

Members of Team Seymour and the Goldsboro community donated cookies, brownies and fudge for the event. Collection stations decorated as sleighs were placed throughout the base, where volunteers dropped off homemade cookies.

The cookies were packaged at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, Dec. 6, 2020. A group of 25 volunteers assembled each package with cookies and a holiday greeting card.

“The annual OCSC Airmen Cookie Drive is just one way our community and Seymour Johnson community come together to show the Airmen how much they are appreciated for all they do as well as bring holiday cheer to the Airmen during the holiday season,” said Michelle Egelston, OCSC member. “Students around the community made Christmas cards for the Airmen to be attached to each bag of cookies.”

This year’s event totaled more than 1,000 dozen cookies, which were delivered to the base’s more than 500 dorm residents. The vast amount of donations allowed for packages to not only be delivered to the dorm residents, but to workplaces throughout the base as well.

After the cookies were packaged, Team Seymour’s first sergeants delivered the bundles to the Airmen dorm residents. The cookie drive aimed to build morale and provide holiday cheer to dorm residents during the holiday season, added Egleston.

“It makes me feel special knowing that people take time out of their day to think about dorm Airmen, especially during the holidays when we are not with family,” said Airman 1st Class Ezekiel Holloway, 4th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Specialist. “Even though I don’t have family close I feel grateful for the friends I do have here.”

Holloway added, he feels grateful for receiving cookies from the drive and is amazed by the time and thought put into making this happen for the Airmen.

“This year’s event was a huge success and we hope the Airmen know how much they are thought of and appreciated,” said Egelston.

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