We are all servants

SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, N.C. -- Our way of life is threatened at this very moment. 

The Global War on Terrorism has entered the start of its sixth year. What will motivate our extraordinary warriors to fight to the death to defeat the enemy? 

What one action can every one of us take to ensure our troops and their families are cared for in a fashion worthy of the most potent fighting force ever known to mankind?
Possess a servant attitude.   

Each of us is a servant and must exemplify uncommon service to one another if we stand any chance of winning the war and helping preserve America's freedom. 

 Many people we encounter believe they have "made it" in life. They have "earned" their title, they "deserve" their parking space, they are "entitled" the benefits and privileges afforded to those who have paid their dues. These people believe strongly that they deserve something. 

You and I "owe" them the day off, the perks and spoils that accompany their mindset of "me first." That is incredibly wrong. What the people who are fortunate enough to be in a position of leadership have earned is simply the right to serve others. 

This same person of privilege deserves the many burdens and hardships that go hand in hand with those in whom much has been entrusted. 

Leaders in our Air Force, civilians, officers, noncommissioned officers and even Airmen, need to adjust their thinking in order to help our country win the Global War on Terrorism. The leaders need to look at their increase in rank and responsibility in one way: walking up the pyramid and then turning the pyramid upside down! 

The leader who walks down the inverted pyramid has an obligation and solemn responsibility to support everyone above him or her with a spirit of service. Each promotion brings with it another step down the pyramid, holding many more people above. 

How quickly we forget what it was like being the two-striper who walks into an office to get help and is turned away because he or she does not have enough rank or position to get help. 

The right attitude is that we, the leaders, drop what they are doing to help the Airman out. A fighting force is only as good as its weakest link and unless the junior members of our force are strengthened, by our service, then we will be defeated. 

"Treat others like you want to be treated." Sound familiar? How about our servant attitude, reflecting humility and honoring others that says "Treat others BETTER than you want to be treated." Imagine what would be accomplished? Picture the strength gained by our wing and our Air Force as a whole if we humble ourselves and truly, sincerely serve others, no matter the cost. 

God bless America. God bless our incredible land of the free and home of the brave. Servants: SERVE!