Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to noon.
Phone: 919-722-1802
Patient Eligibility: Department of Defense TRICARE, ages 12 to 65 years old; appointments based on availability
Available Treatments: Colposcopies, vulvar and endometrial biopsies, genital wart removals, IUD and Implanon insertions and removals
WH Objectives: Evaluation and treatment of gynecological complaints, conduct family planning, health education, cervical, and breast cancer screening, dysplasia management, insulin resistance screening, and management. All in an effort to reduce/relieve pain, promote fitness, and wellness, with the ultimate objective of transitioning into a preventative health culture, over a disease management culture
Referral Guidelines: WHC will refer patients off-base for therapies that are not available at Seymour Johnson, or beyond the scope of this clinic. Initial consult is necessary to determine referral status. No referral will be placed without assessment from WHC providers.
The following conditions are examples that require referrals (this list is not all inclusive, or exhaustive): Fertility conditions, diaphragm fitting, permanent sterilization, fibroid management, chronic pelvic pain that has failed basic interventions, excessive menstrual bleeding that has failed previous clinic interventions, cervical dysplasia greater than Cervical Intraepithelial lesion (CIN).
Please do not bring children to appointments.